New Features

  • New scale argument for predict in cforest. For simple regression forests, predicting the conditional mean by nearest neighbor weights with scale = TRUE is now equivalent to the aggregation of means. The unscaled version proposed in can be obtained with scale = FALSE.


  • Bug fix for case weights in mob() in previous version (1.2-0) introduced a bug in the handling of proportionality weights. Both cases are handled correctly now.
  • glmtree can now handle caseweights = TRUE correctly for vcov other than the default "opg". Internally, the glm objects are adjusted by correcting the dispersion estimate and the degrees of freedom.
  • lookahead did not work in the presence of missing values.
  • Calling partykit::ctree did not work when partykit was not attached.
  • node_inner now allows to set a different gpar(fontsize = ...) in the inner nodes compared to the overall tree.
  • splittest asked for Monte-Carlo p-values, even when the test statistic was used as criterion.