• Major improved version of partykit. The previously existing functions in the package were tested and enhanced, new functions and extensive vignettes added.
  • Extended and improved introductory documentation. The basic classes and class constructors partynode/partysplit/party are introduced in much more detail now in vignette("partykit", package = "partykit").
  • The class constparty (inheriting from party) for representing party objects with constant fits in the nodes (along with coercion methods for rpart, J48, etc.) is now described in more detail in the new vignette("constparty", package = "partykit").
  • The package now includes a reimplementation of the model-based recursive partitioning algorithm (MOB) using partykit infrastructure. The generic algorithm, the corresponding convenience interfaces lmtree() and glmtree() as well as various illustrations and possible extensions are described in detail in the new vignette("mob", package = "partykit").
  • Improved implementation of conditional inference trees (CTree), see the new vignette("ctree", package = "partykit") for details.
  • New nodeprune() generic for pruning nodes in all party trees and partynode objects.
  • Deal with empty levels in ctree() for teststat = "quad" (bug reported by Wei-Yin Loh ).
  • In predict() method for constparty objects, type = "prob" now returns ECDF for numeric responses and type = "response" the (weighted) mean.
  • New panel function node_ecdf() for plotting empirical cumulative distribution functions in the terminal leaves of constparty trees.